

Controlled Text Generation: A Self Supervised Approach to Generate Text Satisfying a Given Set of Constraints

Language plays a crucial role in day-to-day communication. The cognitive ability of humans to generate language effortlessly to express ideas, information, and facts is nothing less than a sensational phenomenon. To express any form of ...
Trading Off IT Service Availability and Costs

Trading Off IT Service Availability and Costs

In order to control an internally or externally provided IT service, service level agreements (SLA) are formulated between service provider and consumer. Besides other information, SLA include guarantees for quality metrics to ensure a fast, safe, ...
MRCC at the 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems

MRCC at the 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems

This year again the MRCC was represented with a delegation at the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). This year's twenty-fifth edition took place in Cancún (Mexico) from August 15 to 17, 2019 and brought together ...


Das Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Magdeburg lädt Sie herzlich zur Digitalen Degustation am 05. Juli 2022 – in der Zeit von 16.00 bis 20.00 Uhr – virtuell oder vor Ort in die Festung Mark nach Magdeburg ein. Neben edlen Tropfen ...

Characterizing the compatibility of Big Data Technologies and its manifestations

Since the beginning of this decade, big data has evolved as a promising term to realize data intensive projects and applications, which seemed impossible years ago. Using new technologies and techniques massive amounts of differently structured ...

Evaluation of Outlies Analysis Methods for Data Quality Mining

Valuation method for the applicability of a service identification- and –description-model by the means of case studies

Valuation method for the applicability of a service identification- and –description-model by the means of case studies

Each enterprise is subjected to constant technological progress and change and thus aims to be able to adapt to the changeable market requirements quickly and flexibly. One approach promising this and many more benefits is the service ...

INternationaliSation of master Programs In Russia and China in Electrical engineering

Nowadays Russian and Chinese universities have to offer programs which facilitate graduates’ adaptation to the real manufacturing and business environment and raise their competitiveness at the labor market. In order to develop a ...

Exporting Master Programmes in Enterprise Systems Engineering to Jordan, Syria, Tunisia and Egypt - TEMPUS - Project

Today, there is a major lack of knowledge and experiences in the field of ESE and Business Informatics in the EU southern neighboring region. The MSC.ESE project with the reference number 530260-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR aims at creating a ...
Prediction of non-functional properties of IT-services

Prediction of non-functional properties of IT-services

The service-orientation of the IT-branch is of increasing importance, not least because of the concept of cloud computing. It supports the commoditization of IT and increases the transparency for the clients. For the providers of such services, ...


Khan, A.; Pohl, M.; Köppen, V.; Saake, G.; Turowski, K.
An Evaluation of Variability Mechanisms to Manage Cloud Services
Khan, A.; Pohl, M.; Saake, G.; Turowski, K.
An Evaluation of Variability Mechanisms to Manage Cloud Services
Khan, A.; Hintsch, Johannes; Turowski, K.; Saake, G.
Variability Management in Infrastructure as a Service: Scenarios in Cloud Deployment Models
Khan, A.; Pohl, M.; Bosse, S.; Hart, S. W.; Turowski, K.
A Holistic View of the IoTProcess from Sensors to the Business Value
Hintsch, Johannes; Khan, A.; Siegling, André; Turowski, K.
Application Software in Cloud-Ready Data Centers: A Survey