ESEFA has reached a new stage in the development
and implementation process of its projected ES teaching and learning platform
for sub-Saharan Africa. From 13 January to 17 January 2014 the Information
Systems Department of the University of Cape Town (UCT) has been the backdrop for
an introductory course on teaching Enterprise Systems fundamentals hosted by
Stefan Weidner from the Otto-von-Guericke University (OvGU) Magdeburg.
The training course attended by lecturers from
the UCT and the University of Pretoria (UP) was initiated to impart the
expertise needed to ensure a high quality and demand-based ES training for
students in Africa. With regard to the forthcoming training function of the
lecturers technical fundamentals of Enterprise Systems as well as didactical
aspects were jointly discussed. Major emphasis was put on getting familiar with
the SAP system landscape, GBI training and the curriculum design. Further key
issues on the agenda were the ease of modification and modularization of
specific contents as well as further research efforts necessary to continuously
evaluate and thus improve the future course design.