
Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Müller

Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Müller
Associated researcher
F-Lab, VLBA Lab
Gebäude 58, Raum 630

Curriculum vitae

Hendrik Müller completed his PhD at the MRCC VLBA Lab, supervised by Prof. Dr. Klaus Turowski, in 2019. From 2013 to 2020, he was heading the research and development activities of the Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg in close collaboration with Fujitsu’s Global SAP Competence Center. Hendrik Müller is an author of 15+ scientific publications in the domain of operations analytics and data-driven capacity management for business applications. His research focuses on the application of AI, and evolutionary algorithms for optimizing data center and SAP operations. Hendrik Müller is an author of the German SAP PRESS books “SAP HANA Administration” and “SAP HANA Datenbankadministration”. Since 2020, he works as global lead solution architect in Fujitsu’s technical competence team for SAP. As an associated researcher and Fujitsu Distinguished Engineer, he continues to collaborate on joint research topics and actively contributes to the Fujitsu Lab’s scientific roadmap.




MRCC and Fujitsu Optimize Data Centers using Fujitsu's Digital Annealer

MRCC and Fujitsu Optimize Data Centers using Fujitsu's Digital Annealer

Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg Provides Expert Talks

Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg Provides Expert Talks

Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg Provides Keynote on AI4U Conference

Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg Provides Keynote on AI4U Conference

Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg automates capacity management activities

Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg automates capacity management activities

Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg at Fujitsu Forum 2015

Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg at Fujitsu Forum 2015

Success Story des Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg – Forschungsengagement verlängert

Success Story des Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg – Forschungsengagement verlängert

VLBA Lab at the HPI Cloud Symposium

VLBA Lab at the HPI Cloud Symposium

Fujitsu Explores the Operation of High Performance In-Memory Technology at University of Magdeburg

Fujitsu Explores the Operation of High Performance In-Memory Technology at University of Magdeburg


Müller, H.; Nahhas, A.; Bosse, S.; Turowski, K.
Addressing IT Capacity Management Concerns Using Machine Learning Techniques
In: SN Computer Science - Singapore: Springer Singapore, Bd. 3 (Hrsg.): Addressing IT Capacity Management Concerns Using Machine Learning Techniques; 1-15; SN Computer Science - Singapore: Springer Singapore, Bd. 3; Singapore; 2022;
Faustmann, A.; Geringer, A.; Müller, H.; Siegling, A.; Wegener, B.
SAP HANA Datenbankadministration
ISBN: 978-3-8362-6850-9; Rheinwerk Verlag (SAP PRESS); Bonn; 2019;
Müller, H.; Bosse, S.; Turowski, K.
On the Utility of Machine Learning for Service Capacity Management of Enterprise Applications
In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems; 2019;
Müller, H.
Multi-Dimensional Server Consolidation for Commercial O?-the-Shelf Enterprise Applications Using Shared Performance Counters