
Abdulrahman Nahhas

 Abdulrahman Nahhas
Researcher, Coordination
0391 67-54833
Gebäude 58, Raum 639



A Hybrid Job Scheduling approach in cloud computing environments on the usage of heuristics and meta-heuristics methods

Open Enterprise Cloud Initiative: OvGU, Google Cloud and Accenture

Open Enterprise Cloud Initiative: OvGU, Google Cloud and Accenture

A hybrid framework for solving multi-objective scheduling problems

A hybrid framework for solving multi-objective scheduling problems

An adaptive scheduling framework for the dynamic virtual machines placement to reduce energy consumption in cloud data centers

An adaptive scheduling framework for the dynamic virtual machines placement to reduce energy consumption in cloud data centers

Toward Adaptive Manufacturing: Scheduling problems in the Context of Industry 4.0.

Toward Adaptive Manufacturing: Scheduling problems in the Context of Industry 4.0.


Alwadi, A.; Nahhas, A.; Turowski, K.
Hybrid Approach for Solving Multi-Objective Hybrid Flow Shop Scheduling Problems with Family Setup Times
In: Procedia computer science (Hrsg.): Hybrid Approach for Solving Multi-Objective Hybrid Flow Shop Scheduling Problems with Family Setup Times; 1685-1694; Procedia computer science; Procedia computer science - Amsterdam; 2022;
Haertel, C.; Nahhas, A.; Daase, C.; Volk, M.; Turowski, K.
A Holistic View of Adaptive Supply Chain in Retailing Industry
In: AMCIS 2022 Proceedings - AIS Library (Hrsg.): A Holistic View of Adaptive Supply Chain in Retailing Industry; 11; AMCIS 2022 Proceedings - AIS Library; AMCIS 2022 Proceedings - AIS Library; 2022;
Haertel, C.; Pohl, M.; Nahhas, A.; Staegemann, D. G.; Turowski, K.
Toward A Lifecycle for Data Science: A Literature Review of Data Science Process Models
1534; Pacis 2022; Taipai; 2022;
Müller, H.; Nahhas, A.; Bosse, S.; Turowski, K.
Addressing IT Capacity Management Concerns Using Machine Learning Techniques
In: SN Computer Science - Singapore: Springer Singapore, Bd. 3 (Hrsg.): Addressing IT Capacity Management Concerns Using Machine Learning Techniques; 1-15; SN Computer Science - Singapore: Springer Singapore, Bd. 3; Singapore; 2022;
Nahhas, A.; Pohl, M.; Turowski, K.
Comparative analysis of machine learning models for anomaly detection in manufacturing
In: Procedia computer science (Hrsg.): Comparative analysis of machine learning models for anomaly detection in manufacturing; 1288-1297; Procedia computer science; Procedia computer science - Amsterdam; 2022;
Pohl, M.; Staegemann, D. G.; Haertel, C.; Nahhas, A.; Turowski, K.
Migration Patterns for Applications in Cloud Computing Environments
LinkSpringer; 2022;
Haertel, C.; Pohl, M.; Bosse, S.; Häusler, R.; Nahhas, A.; Staegemann, D. G.; Volk, M.; Turowski, K.
Methodological Case Study Approach for Detecting Business Model Enablers in Copycat Ventures
35-54; International journal of organizational and collective intelligence - Hershey, Pa; International journal of organizational and collective intelligence - Hershey, Pa; 2021;
Lang, S.; Müller, M.; Reggelin, T.; Nahhas, A.
Open-source discrete-event simulation software for applications in production and logistics: An alternative to commercial tools?
In: Procedia Computer Science; 978-987; 2021;
Nahhas, A.; Krist, M.; Turowski, K.
An adaptive scheduling framework for solving multi-objective hybrid flow shop scheduling problems
1-10; Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Hamilton Library; Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2021; 2021;
Staegemann, D. G.; Volk, M.; Pohl, M.; Häusler, R.; Nahhas, A.; Abdallah, M.; Turowski, K.
A Preliminary Overwiew of the Situation in Big Data Testing
In: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda. (Hrsg.): 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security-IoTBDS; 296-302; SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda.; [Setúbal]: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda.; 2021;
Staegemann, D. G.; Volk, M.; Saxena, A.; Pohl, M.; Nahhas, A.; Häusler, R.; Abdallah, M.; Bosse, S.; Jamous, N.; Turowski, K.
Challenges in Data Acquisition and Management in Big Data Environments
In: [Setúbal]: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda.; Wills, Gary (Hrsg.): 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security-IoTBDS; 193-204; [Setúbal]: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda.; Wills, Gary; [Setúbal]: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda.; Wills, Gary; 2021;
Bosse, S.; Nahhas, A.; Turowski, K.
Quantitative Analysis of the Effects of Different Carbon Tax Levels on Emissions and Costs of Data Centers.
In: WI2020 Zentrale Tracks; 1349-1363; 2020;
Daase, C.; Staegemann, D. G.; Volk, M.; Nahhas, A.; Turowski, K.
Automation of Customer Initiated Back Office Processes: A Design Science Research Approach to link Robotic Process Automation and Chatbots
In: ACIS 2020 Proceedings 15; 2020;
Haertel, C.; Pohl, M.; Bosse, S.; Nahhas, A.; Staegemann, D. G.; Volk, M.; Turowski, K.
Comparative Study of e-Commerce Ventures: Copycat Enablers in Business Models
In: FEMIB 2020 - [Setúbal, Portugal]: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda.; Baudier, Patricia (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business - Volume 1: FEMIB,; 80-90; FEMIB 2020 - [Setúbal, Portugal]: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda.; Baudier, Patricia; FEMIB 2020 - [Setúbal, Portugal]: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda.; Baudier, Patricia; 2020;
Staegemann, D. G.; Volk, M.; Bosse, S.; Häusler, R.; Nahhas, A.; Turowski, K.
Determining Potential Failures and Challenges in Data Driven Endeavors: A Real World Case Study Analysis
In: IoTBDS 2020 - [Setúbal, Portugal]: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda.; Wills, Gary (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security - Volume 1: IoTBDS; 453-460; IoTBDS 2020 - [Setúbal, Portugal]: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda.; Wills, Gary; IoTBDS 2020 - [Setúbal, Portugal]: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda.; Wills, Gary; 2020;
Volk, M.; Staegemann, D. G.; Nahhas, A.; Bosse, S.
Towards a Decision Support System for Big Data Projects
In: GITO (Hrsg.): WI2020; GITO; ResearchGATE - Cambridge, Mass.: ResearchGATE Corp; 2020;
Alwadi, A.; Nahhas, A.; Bosse, S.; Jamous, N.; Turowski, K.
A Modernized Model for PerformanceRequirements and their Interdependencies
In: AICCSA (Hrsg.): 16th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA 2019; Abu Dhabi, UAE; IEEE; AICCSA; Abu Dhabi, UAE, IEEE; 2019;
Bosse, S.; Nahhas, A.; Pohl, M.; Turowski, K.
Towards an Automated Optimization-as-a-Service Concept
In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security; 339-343; 2019;
Nahhas, A.; Bosse, S.; Pohl, M.; Turowski, K.
Toward an autonomic and adaptive load management strategy for reducing energy consumption under performance constraints in data centers
In: 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, CLOSER 2019; 471-478; SciTePress; Crete, Greece; 2019;
Nahhas, A.; Bosse, S.; Staegemann, D. G.; Volk, M.; Turowski, K.
A holistic view of the server consolidation and virtual machines placement problems
In: 15th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet based Systems, SITIS 2019; Sorrento, Italy; 2019;
Pohl, M.; Nahhas, A.; Bosse, S.; Turowski, K.
Proof of Provision: Improving Blockchain Technology by Cloud Computing
In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science - Volume 1: CLOSER; SciTePress; 2019;
Staegemann, D. G.; Volk, M.; Nahhas, A.; Abdallah, M.; Turowski, K.
Exploring the Specificities and Challenges of Testing Big Data Systems
In: 15th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet based Systems; 2019;
Alwadi, A.; Nahhas, A.; Bosse, S.; Jamous, N.; Turowski, K.
Toward a Performance Requirements Model for the Early Design Phase of IT Systems
In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Systems; 9-16; Limassol, Cyprus; 2018;
Nahhas, A.; Lang, S.; Bosse, S.; Turowski, K.
Toward Adaptive Manufacturing: Scheduling Problems in the Context of Industry 4.0
In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Systems; 108-115; Limassol, Cyprus; 2018;
Strubelt, H.; Trojahn, S.; Lang, S.; Nahhas, A.
Scheduling Approach for the Simulation of a Sustainable Resource Supply Chain
In: Logistics; 2(3); 2018;
Nahhas, A.; Bosse, S.; Turowski, K.
Load Distribution Strategies for a Sustainable IT Resources Management
In: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI); 2018;