
The improvement of the CRM subfunction complaint management at a renowned German automobile manufacturer

The improvement of the CRM subfunction complaint management at a renowned German automobile manufacturer
Internal advisor: Prof. Dr. Klaus Turowski, Philip Kempka

In recent years, the Customer Relationship Management has gained considerable importance. And yet, the focus is not only on customer acquisition, but rather on the long-range customer retention. In order to be able to take full advantage of the various opportunities of the CRM, the company and especially the management have to be aware of the fact that there are structual management tasks which have to be implemented outside the boarders of the CRM. These tasks include:

  • Prospect management
  • New customer management
  • Content- and customer loyality management
  • Complaint management
  • Cancellation prevention management
  • Customer recovery management

Each of those management tasks is dedicated to a particular group of customers which finds itself in a certain lifecycle. For this reason, it is the task of the management to treat each client according to his/her wishes, depending on his/her status within the lifecycle. New clients, who normally at first do not have any experience with the company or the product, for example feel the need for the company to take care of him/her, to explain to him/her the circumstances and to support him/her as an individual. A client who has been a client of the company for a longer period of time, on the contrary, does not depend on this special care and mostly aims at processing a business deal as quick as possible since he/she is already acquainted with the process.

For each of those management tasks, there are particular measures a company can take in order to fulfil certain tasks such as the acquisition of new customers, customer loyality, customer recovery, or the increase of customer satisfaction.

 So gibt es im Neukundenmanagement Maßnahmen, die nach einem Erstkauf greifen, um zu zeigen, dass der Kunde dem Unternehmen wichtig ist und er herzlich aufgenommen wird. Weitere Maßnahmen können nach gewissen Zeitspannen folgen.

Des Weiteren sollten Unternehmen Kunden genau untersuchen und sein Entwicklungspotenzial feststellen. Da die Kundenakquisition, Kundenbindung und Kundenrückgewinnung mit Kosten verbunden ist, sollte der Kunde das Potenzial haben diese Kosten zu decken, da es ansonsten nur zu Verlusten kommt.

Im Rahmen des Vorhabens werden die verschiedenen Managementaufgaben vorgestellt, sowie Maßnahmen entwickelt, die ein Unternehmen ergreifen kann, um diese Aufgaben zu erfüllen. Die These dabei ist, dass das Beschwerdemanagement des Automobilherstellers Verbesserungspotential aufweist und somit eine stärkere Kundenbindung erzielt werden kann. Um diese These zu stützen, wird mit Hilfe eines Interviews festgestellt, inwiefern der Automobilhersteller diese Managementaufgabe einsetzt und daraus einen Nutzen zieht.