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Otto´s vernetzte Bolzenfabrik-Premiere einer Industrie 4.0-Modellfabrik
Zur Langen Nacht der Wissenschaft am 02. Juni 2018 wurde „Otto´s vernetzte Bolzenfabrik“ erstmals der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt. Sie ist als Demonstrator für Produktionsplanung und –monitoring im Rahmen ...
CI/CD for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
The agile practices of continuous integration and continuous deployment have become the standard in industrial software development. Applying these methods can shorten the time-to-market of an application while also ensuring higher ...
LegoScrum in the context of the IT Project Management Tutorial
We constantly strive to improve our lectures and to make them even more interesting to our students. As Charles Darwin once said: "Only a fool makes no experiments." For this reason, we tried an experiment called LegoScrum in the course of the ...
Unsere Kollaboration mit BIRD Work Package 36
Im letzten BIRD-Workshop in Bochum entstand die Idee einer Zusammenarbeit unseres WPs mit unseren Kollegen aus WP36. WP36 verteilt über ganz Deutschland (Potsdam, Bonn, Stuttgart, ...) arbeitet an der Erstellung verschiedener Personas, ...
Big Data Use Case Identification
At current times, data-intensive systems are getting more and more complex. Consequently, a thorough understanding of related domains is required; this includes knowledge and experience in terms of not only the general planning but also ...
Characterizing the compatibility of Big Data Technologies and its manifestations
Since the beginning of this decade, big data has evolved as a promising term to realize data intensive projects and applications, which seemed impossible years ago. Using new technologies and techniques massive amounts of differently structured ...
Optimierung der Systemadministration unter Berücksichtigung von Sicherheitsaspekten in dem Unternehmen Finanz Informatik Technology Service
Hybrid Value Creation
Global market scenarios allow the easy comparison of products and services for consumers. In such a comparable supply situation, often price leadership is the key for gaining market shares. Enterprises which gain their market shares ...
Exporting Master Programmes in Enterprise Systems Engineering to Jordan, Syria, Tunisia and Egypt - TEMPUS - Project
Today, there is a major lack of knowledge and experiences in the field of ESE and Business Informatics in the EU southern neighboring region. The MSC.ESE project with the reference number 530260-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR aims at creating a ...
Very Large Business Applications Serious Games
In many companies, Enterprise-Resource-Planning-Systems (ERP-Systeme) are the basis for information processing and thus contribute to the corporate success. It has to be assured, however, that qualified employees that are able to permeate ...
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Trading Off IT Service Availability and Costs
In order to control an internally or externally provided IT service, service level agreements (SLA) are formulated between service provider and consumer. Besides other information, SLA include guarantees for quality metrics to ensure a fast, safe, ...
Support of cross-project resource planning in the medium-sized IT companies with agile project management using an open-source tool support for optimized resource allocation
This thesis deals with the optimization of resource planning in medium-sized IT companies with agile multi-project management using open source tool support. The goal is to answer the research question: How can tool support help ...
Fujitsu Forum 2014
In 2014, the Fujitsu Forum, which is the largest IT event organized by Fujitsu in Europe, aroused considerable interest among more than 12,000 participants from more than 80 nations. As in the previous years, the Fujitsu Lab of the MRCC ...
Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg Provides Expert Talks
With 4 Key Notes, 271 Expert Talks, 62 Break Out Sessions and a demonstration centre full of the latest innovative technology and solutions, the Fujitsu Forum was one of Europe’s greatest IT events in 2019. Needless to say, as a trusted ...
Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg automates capacity management activities
Capacity management and performance optimization are complex challenges that still involve costly and time-consuming activities. As capacity planning processes are barely automated, any changing requirements result in heavy delays, media ...
Exporting Master Program in Enterprise Systems Engineering to Joran, Syria, Tunisia and Egypt
Today, there is a major lack of knowledge and experiences in the field of ESE and Business Informatics in the EU southern neighboring region. The MSC.ESE project aims at creating a master’s curriculum in ESE at JO/SY/TN/EG universities to ...
10-jährige Bestehen der Forschungs- und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zwischen der OVGU und Fujitsu
Am 18.10.2022 haben wir das 10-jährige Bestehen der Forschungs- und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zwischen der OVGU und Fujitsu, einem der weltweit führenden Technologie-Unternehmen, gefeiert. 2012 wurde das Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg unter ...
VLBA Lab auf der CLOSER 2018 & IoTBDS 2018 (Madeira, Portugal)
In diesem Jahr fand vom 19.03. bis 21.03.2018 auf Madeira (Portugal) zum 8. Mal die International Conference on Cloud Computing and Service Sciences (CLOSER), zum 3. Mal zusammen mit der International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data ...
CI/CD für unüberwachte Außreißererkennung
Die agilen Vorgehensweisen Continuous Integration und Continuous Deployment haben sich als Standards in der industriellen Softwareentwicklung etabliert. Durch die Anwendung dieser Methoden kann die Zeit zwischen der Entwicklung ...
Virtualization is decisive for the success of SAP clients
Whereas in the past, the development and operation of IT infrastructures were primarily realized through the maintenance and new procurement of physical resources, today a consolidation strategy prevails – virtualization being the magic ...
Experience Report SAP TechEd && d-code 2014
From 11th to 13th of November in 2014, the SAP TechEd and d-code once again drew a variety of visitors to the Berlin exhibition halls. Among the visitors were two students of the Faculty of Computer Science of the Otto von Guericke ...
VLBA Lab at the International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik 2017 in St. Gallen
For the 13th time in succession, the german-speaking business informatics community gathered at the International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) which took place from 12 to 15 February 2017 in St. Gallen, Switzerland with more than ...
MRCC at the 15th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet based Systems
For the 15th time, international scientists from the fields of signal processing and web technologies came together to discuss their research work at the "International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet ...
Flexible Creation of Teaching and Learning Environments
The growing demand for teaching and learning environments (TLEs) entails increasing challenges for curriculum designers. The combination of learning content, didactic requirements and practical examples creates a highly complex construct ...
Optimierung des Kommunikationsflusses innerhalb von Workflow-gestützten Prozessen im Kontext von SAP Technologien
Viele Unternehmen legen einen großen Fokus auf die Verwaltung und Optimierung von Prozessabläufen. Das Ziel ist meist, Kosten zu senken, um sich gegenüber der Konkurrenz Vorteile zu verschaffen. Deswegen werden zur Optimierung von ...
University of Cape Town launches Curriculum 3.0
To ensure a high quality ES education, the University of Cape Town (UCT) as ESEFA-Centre endeavors to continuously evaluate and improve the course design. Since May 2015 a new version of the core curriculum of the ES Fundamentals for Business ...
Development of a concept to integrate a learning platform into a campus management system
Campus management systems (CaMS) and electronic learning systems (e-learning) are often simultaneously used in university environment. Although these two systems share a data intersection, they are implemented independently of each other. ...
Modern Operating Concepts through Green IT
According to the Working Group Virtualization/Cloud-Computing of the German SAP User Group (DSAG), the potential of Green IT is by no means exhausted yet. And: environmental protection, power efficiency, reputation, and efficiency still support ...
SAP UCC Magdeburg meets SAP CEO
Today, SAP UCC Magdeburg had a unique opportunity to meet SAP's CEO Bill McDermott. At the end of an event-packed day at CeBIT in Hanover including hands-on workshops and meetings with industry experts, SAP's top executive shared his vision ...
Neues Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Magdeburg unterstützt den Mittelstand bei der digitalen Transformation mit kostenfreien Formaten
Am 01. August 2022 eröffnet das neue Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Magdeburg in der Experimentellen Fabrik. Die Förderung in Höhe von 5,5 Millionen Euro erfolgt über das Bundeministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz. Das neue Zentrum ...
ESEFA in local press
The ESEFA project under the academic guidance of Professor Klaus Turowski has the objective to promote young professionals in the African IT sector. The focus here is on the Enterprise Systems education of students at several partner ...
Das MRCC und Accenture arbeiten gemeinsam an der digitalen Transformation
Die Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg arbeitet künftig mit Accenture zusammen, um die neuen digitalen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit zu meistern. Mit ihrem ingenieur- und naturwissenschaftlichen Schwerpunkt bietet ...
BIRD Workshop 2024 Weimar
Am 17. und 18.Januar fand der 6. BIRD-Präsenzworkshop statt und dieses Mal waren wir in historischer Stadt Weimar zur Gast. Das vom BMBF und von der Europäischen Union geförderte BIRD-Projekt (Bildungsraum Digital), läuft seit 2021 ...
An adaptive scheduling framework for the dynamic virtual machines placement to reduce energy consumption in cloud data centers
Optimized (multi-) Cloud Scenarios and Operations – Preliminary Results. The future vision of IT-industry is shifting toward a utility-based offering of on-demand computational power. However, the massive expansions of IT-system landscapes ...
Controlled Text Generation: A Self Supervised Approach to Generate Text Satisfying a Given Set of Constraints
Language plays a crucial role in day-to-day communication. The cognitive ability of humans to generate language effortlessly to express ideas, information, and facts is nothing less than a sensational phenomenon. To express any form of ...
The new Cloud Lecture – Cloud DevOps Techniques
With highly interconnected applications, big data, and cloud computing, the thorough planning and engineering of the corresponding information systems’ landscapes and architectures is more important than ever. In many cases, the lifecycle ...
National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics in St.Petersburg
Stefan Weidner, Executive Director SAP UCC Magdeburg, and Igor Belousov, SAP University Alliances CIS, discussed with representatives of National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics in St.Petersburg ...
MKWI 2016
Embedded in 2016's MKWI conference in Ilmenau, on March 9 Prof. Dr. Klaus Turowski and Stefan Weidner (both UCC Magdeburg) and Dr. Harald Kienegger (UCC Munich) moderated three sessions with a total of 9 presentations on innovative ERP ...
VLBA Lab at BIS 2014
The VLBA Lab was represented at this year's 17th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS) in Lanarca, Cyprus, from May 22nd to 23rd, by the researcher Bastian Kurbjuhn. He presented the contribution by Christian Schulz and ...
Meeting with Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Stefan Weidner, Executive Director SAP UCC Magdeburg, and Yury Kupriyanov, SAP University Alliances CIS, discussed with representatives of Higher School of Economics in Moscow innovative approaches for teaching, research and co-innovation ...
New book “SAP Database Administration with IBM DB2” is now available
If you are working with IBM DB2 for Linux, Unix, and Windows, you’re responsible for maintaining the Rolls Royce of the SAP-certified database systems. This book helps you keep it shiny and up to speed: you’ll find all of the unique, ...
MRCC and Fujitsu Optimize Data Centers using Fujitsu's Digital Annealer
Given the world’s increasing dependency on IT, the complexity of data centers grows significantly. In a collaboration project, Fujitsu and the Magdeburg Research and Competence Cluster (MRCC) compare Fujitsu’s new quantum-inspired ...
SAP S/4HANA Curriculum
Starting October 1st 2016 the SAP University Competence Center Magdeburg offers a SAP S/4HANA Curriculum based on the SAP S/4HANA Release. Now with Fiori Support for Order-to-cash ...
Fujitsu Explores the Operation of High Performance In-Memory Technology at University of Magdeburg
Fujitsu is the leading Japanese information and communication technology (ICT) company offering a full range of technology products, solutions and services. Approximately 170,000 Fujitsu people support customers in more than 100 countries. ...
CVLBA Annual Meeting 2014
In the context of the long-term partnership between the MRCC and the SAP AG, the Centers for Very Large Business Applications in Magdeburg and Munich presented their current research results in Walldorf on January 29th, 2014. On ...
SAP HANA course for lecturers in Moscow
Stefan Weidner, Director SAP UCC Magdeburg, and Ksenia Neumann, Big Data Specialist SAP UCC Magdeburg, with SAP Management at the opening of a two-day SAP HANA training course for 31 professors and lecturers at Gubkin University in ...
Workshops - Industrie 4.0 - Integration und Anwendungen
Im Rahmen des Projektes "Mittelstand-Digital-Zentrum Magdeburg" finden ab September 2024 wieder Workshops im Rahmen unserer Blended-Learning Staffel "Industrie 4.0 - Integration und Anwendungen" statt. Die Teilnehmer können ...
ESEFA in African IT media
On 5 November 2013 the ESEFA kick-off event took place in Cape Town. The SAP News Center reported on the successful start of the project as well as on key education and development objectives. Moreover, ESEFA as a cross-national project ...
Otto’s vernetzte Bolzenfabrik zeigt neue Anwendungsszenarien
Das Industrie 4.0-Modell „Otto´s vernetzte Bolzenfabrik“ wurde zur Langen Nacht der Wissenschaft 2019 mit neuen Anwendungsszenarien gezeigt. Im Produktionsmonitoring wird nun auch das Büro mit gleichlaufenden Daten der Fabrik-Instanzen ...
Das Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Magdeburg lädt Sie herzlich zur Digitalen Degustation am 05. Juli 2022 – in der Zeit von 16.00 bis 20.00 Uhr – virtuell oder vor Ort in die Festung Mark nach Magdeburg ein. Neben edlen Tropfen ...
Success Story des Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg – Forschungsengagement verlängert
Das Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg beforscht den klassischen SAP Systembetrieb und konzipiert dabei innovative Lösungen, die auch vor dem Hintergrund einer Industrie 4.0 Bestand haben. Eine Success Story fasst aktuelle Ergebnisse zusammen und ...
Meeting with MPTU
Stefan Weidner, Executive Director SAP UCC Magdeburg, and Igor Belousov, SAP University Alliances CIS, discussed with representatives of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology innovative approaches for teaching, research and ...
SAP Next-Gen Roadshow in Saudi Arabia with focus on Big Data, IoT, and Machine Learning - December 11-15, 2016
Building on the momentum of establishing the first SAP Next-Gen Hub in MENA at King Abdul Aziz University, SAP University Alliances/SAP Next-Gen MENA in collaboration with the SAP University Competence Center at Otto von Guericke ...
SAP-Kompetenzzentrum Magdeburg führend bei IT-Innovationen
Das SAP University Competence Center (UCC) an der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg unterstützt regionale und globale Unternehmen bei der Analyse und der Umsetzung innovativer IT-Lösungen. Mit der Erfahrung von 15 Jahren SAP-Betrieb ...
Flexible Erstellung von Lehr- und Lernumgebungen
Die stetig wachsende Nachfrage nach Lehr- und Lernumgebungen (englisch Teaching and Learning Environments; kurz: TLEs) stellt Curriculum Designer vor immer größere Herausforderungen. Die Kombination von Lerninhalten, didaktischen ...
BIRD Lab Magdeburg fährt auf BIRD-Workshop nach Bochum
Am 20. und 21.Juni 2023 findet der nächste BIRD-Workshop statt und dieses Mal sind wir in Bochum zur G.A.S.T., was für Gesellschaft für akademische studienvorbereitung und testentwicklung e.v. steht. Die Projekt-Workshops finden ...
Reisebericht: 1. Accenture Exkursion & Erste Absolventen der In-Memory Module
28. Januar 2015, 12.15 Uhr – Startschuss für die erste In-Memory Technologien und Anwendungen Exkursion. Das Ziel: Kronberg im Taunus bei Frankfurt am Main oder genauer gesagt der Hauptsitz der Accenture GmbH für ...
software project "SusGame"
In the course "software project", a game titled "SusGame" was developed. "SusGame" is a 2D simulation game. The player controls a person, and make decisions in conjunction with the environment and himself. In this way, ...
Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg at Fujitsu Forum 2015
With a record attendance of more than 14,000 customers and partners from 80 countries around the world, this year's Fujitsu Forum ended at the 19th of November. The Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg was represented with an own booth and expert talks ...
A hybrid framework for solving multi-objective scheduling problems
The proposed new technologies in the context of industry 4.0 challenge the current practices of scheduling in industry and their associated research in academia. The conventional optimization techniques that are employed for solving ...
Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg Provides Keynote on AI4U Conference
In the domain of enterprise applications, organizations usually implement application performance monitoring (APM) software which creates a lot of structured and unstructured data from various system instances. In order to take advantage of ...
Blended Learning
Am 10. September startete unser Blended Learning Workshop „Industrie 4.0 – Integration und Anwendungen“ – ein Format das Präsenzworkshops und E-Learning-Sessions miteinander kombiniert. Über mehrere Wochen und Sitzungen ...
Contribution "Analyzing the Effects of Load Distribution Algorithms on Energy Consumption of Servers in Cloud Data Centers" will be presented at the WI2015
During the last decades, energy costs have become responsible for a significant part of the operating costs of data centers. The rise of Cloud Computing has caused the construction of an increasingly growing number of data centers that consume ...
VLBA Lab at the HPI Cloud Symposium
In the course of the symposium "Operating the Cloud" at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute in Potsdam, cloud operation from the viewpoints of science and industry was discussed at 28th of October 2014. In addition to practice reports ...
Development and exemplary use of an evaluation concept for business games in an ERP-educational context
The Global Bike Go business game series of the SAP University Competence Center Magdeburg is intended to expand the portfolio of the extensive teaching-learning offer in the context of enterprise-resource-planning-teaching. The business ...
Open Enterprise Cloud Initiative: OvGU, Google Cloud and Accenture
On 9.11.2021, the ceremonial opening of the OvGU's cooperation with the companies Google Cloud and Accenture took place, including numerous professional and motivating speeches. The goals are manifold. While on the one hand innovative ...
Workshop - Business Intelligence 2024
Im Rahmen des Projektes "Mittelstand-Digital-Zentrum Magdeburg" finden ab Oktober 2024 wieder Workshops zur Einführung in das Thema "Business Intelligence" statt. Die Teilnehmer können in Hands-On Session den Umgang ...
A Hybrid Job Scheduling approach in cloud computing environments on the usage of heuristics and meta-heuristics methods
The Information Technology (IT) Industry has been revolutionized through Cloud Computing by offering dynamic computing services to a large number of users through its on-demand provisioning of scalable and virtualized resources over the ...
Toward Adaptive Manufacturing: Scheduling problems in the Context of Industry 4.0.
Adaptive manufacturing and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) have recently emerged as main topics in academia and the industry since recent projects on a governmental level have been launched to investigate and propose innovations under ...
Migration of the UCC Datacenter to the UCC Cloud Platform (UCP)
In 2016, the SAP University Competence Center Magdeburg replaced the hardware of its datacenter as planned. This updated included a migration of the old, application-virtualized datacenter with a mixed platform (Intel Xeon x86 / Intel Itanium) ...
Yet another Global Player invests in Otto von Guericke University: first Fujitsu Information System Lab established at OVGU
On September 14th in 2012, the “Fujitsu Information Systems Lab” (Fujitsu IS Lab), a laboratory for the investigation of large operational application systems, was established at the Otto von Guericke University by one of the largest ...
Creation of a Framework and a Corresponding Tool Enabling the Test-Driven Development of Locally Developed Microservices in Docker
Microservice architectures have emerged as a counter design to traditional monolithic applications. While monoliths are deployed as single executable applications whose modules share the resources of the underlying system, ...
Praxisauftaktveranstaltung des neuen Mittelstand-4.0-Kompetenzzentrums Magdeburg
Titel: „AUF DEM WEG IN RICHTUNG DIGITALISIERUNG – WO STEHE ICH UND WAS BRAUCHE ICH?“ Datum/Zeit: 30.11.2017 - 14:30 - 22:00 Veranstaltungsort Lichthöfe der regiocom GmbH, Marienstraße 1, ...
SAP UCC Magdeburg is a certified hosting provider
The SAP University Competence Center at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg has successfully passed its certification as "SAP certified Provider of SAP HANA Operations Services and "SAP certified Provider of Hosting ...
Visit from UCC Beijing
Last weekend we had UCC Beijing team visit us here in Magdeburg to promote the experience exchange. The following topics have been covered during the sessions: GBI ERP and Non-ERP-CurriculaSAP HANA , BigData and BDICIndustry 4.0Hosting of ...
MRCC at the 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems
This year again the MRCC was represented with a delegation at the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). This year's twenty-fifth edition took place in Cancún (Mexico) from August 15 to 17, 2019 and brought together ...
15. Internationaler Kongress für Wirtschaftsinformatik – Potsdam
Following the motto "Changing Landscapes - Shaping Digital Transformation and its Impact" the international congress for business informatics will take place for the 15th time from 09.03-11.03.2020 in Potsdam. This year the MRCC ...
BIRD Workshop 2023 #3 in Berlin
Heute startet der 3. BIRD-Workshop des Jahres 2023. Dieses Mal begrüßte uns das Bündnis für Bildung in den Räumlichkeiten des Bundesverbands der Deutschen Entsorgungs-, Wasser- und Kreislaufwirtschaft e.V. (BDE) in Berlin. Zusammen mit ...
OVGU Magdeburg empfängt ExpertInnen für digitale Bildungsprozesse
Als eines der Verbundmitglieder im BMBF-Projekt „Bildungsraum Digital“ lädt das BIRD Lab an der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg am 23. und 24. Februar 2023 alle Konsortialpartner zum Gesamtprojektworkshop in die Ottostadt ...
Complementary course modules successfully tested and launched
Following a successful trial phase the ESEFA core curriculum was complemented by the two new course modules Financial Accounting Integration and Production Planning and Execution. By means of additional case studies and exercises, students ...
Incentive strategies for system-integrated business simulations
Companies use scenario-based simulations to simulate extraordinary business transactions or emergency situations. They can also use scenario-based simulations to prepare their employees and decision-makers for such situations and to examine ...
Beschreibung von Systemlandschaften im Kontext von Industrie 4.0
Der Weg zur Industrie 4.0 ist für Unternehmen mit einer Vielzahl von Herausforderungen, sowie Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaufwand verbunden. Die weitreichende Umgestaltung der Wertschöpfungsprozesse und Produktionsanlagen haben nicht ...
Conception of a reference model for integrated campus management systems
The effects of the Bologna process and increasing numbers of students due to the suspension of compulsory military service and dual Abitur cohorts require a particularly economic and effective use of public funding for a high-quality range of ...
Konzeption, Evaluierung und Implementierung einer Videoportallösung für Schulung und Präsentation im Intranet der IDT Biologika GmbH
Requirements Engineering in the context of Java and Mainframe-Computing
For several decades, the development of enterprise applications on mainstream systems was mainly designed in coding languages such as COBOL or Assembler. Nowadays, several of those previously developed applications are still being used in the ...
The improvement of the CRM subfunction complaint management at a renowned German automobile manufacturer
In recent years, the Customer Relationship Management has gained considerable importance. And yet, the focus is not only on customer acquisition, but rather on the long-range customer retention. In order to be able to take full advantage of ...
Site selection of data centers in terms of sustainability
Due to a constantly growing data volume which is stored in the internet/in the cloud, new data centers are needed. According to a Greenpeace-report, in the year 2007 the Cloud had a higher power requirement than the entire Federal Republic of ...
Unterstützung der Abbildung von Studienmodulen innerhalb der akademischen Struktur im SAP Student Lifecycle Management
Requirements Engineering for Big Data Use Case Descriptions (WIP/WTP)
At current times, data-intensive systems are getting more and more complex. Consequently, a thorough understanding of related domains is required; this includes knowledge and experience in terms of not only the general planning but also ...
Alignment of Big Data Tools
At current times, data-intensive systems are getting more and more complex. Consequently, a thorough understanding of related domains is required; this includes knowledge and experience in terms of not only the general planning but also ...
Mehrstufige Entscheidungsfindung für die Einführung, den Betrieb und Anpassung von Standardsoftware
Ein Betriebskonzept für Cloud-Computing-Services auf Basis von OpenStack Heat and Ceilometer
Valuation method for the applicability of a service identification- and –description-model by the means of case studies
Each enterprise is subjected to constant technological progress and change and thus aims to be able to adapt to the changeable market requirements quickly and flexibly. One approach promising this and many more benefits is the service ...
Natural Language Processing in Project Management
The amount of semi-structured textual data being generated all over the world wide web has placed the limelight on the fields of Natural Language Processing and Text Mining. With the continuous increase in business for IT companies, there are a lot ...
Evaluation of Outlies Analysis Methods for Data Quality Mining
Demystifying Open-Source Licenses
Today a multitude of open-source licenses exists, each of them with their own specifications and regulations. Consequently, the selection of an appropriate license model for the selection or even development of software components can be ...
Integration of Green IT-risks into IT risk management
All globally active companies use IT devices: desktop computers, notebook computers, monitors, keyboards, computer-mice, and printers are used by office employees and therefore need electrical energy through which carbon dioxide is emitted. The ...
Conception and prototypical implementation of a tool for the collection and evaluation of server load data for the proactive improvement of the availability in data centers
In modern times, the IT segment has become increasingly important for companies. All sectors of a company such as administration, production, distribution, or human resources, depend more than ever on their specific IT systems in order to ...
Optimierung der Aufwandschätzung des Geschäftsbereiches Entwicklung der Volkswagen R GmbH
Reusing concepts for visualization applications
The plan of reusing concepts for visualization applications is in the range of SCADA systems, SCADA standing for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. Clients have various demands regarding those visualization systems. Numerous demands ...
A software concept for robot manufacturing sites in car body construction
In the course of the develppment, scheduling and realization of robot manufacturing sites for car body construction, steadily rising demands for technologies and application become apparent. As a result, due to the divergence in the ...
A Case Study on the Impact of Big Data Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprise’s Competitive Advantage
Integrated-Simulation Based Optimization Approach for Solving a Hybrid Flow Shop Scheduling Problem
Scheduling problems have been extensively investigated in the past half century due to its essential role in manufacturing environments and different service sectors. Efficient allocation of resources supported with the appropriate ...
Development of functional requirements for the software configuration management as support of the life cycle of standard business software – illustrated with the suitability of the SAP Solution Manager.
Software configuration management is a software engineering discipline with a crucial importance to the whole project and the operation as well. This discipline is being implemented by a so-called software configuration management system, which ...
Konzeption eines Modells für die automatisierte Messung von Key Performance Indicators im Bereich Service Desk
Integrated approach to progress control for global software implementation projects
Developing software in the context of projects is extremely difficult because of the corresponding abstractness and complexity. This difficulty, in spite of its history beginning in the 1960s of the 20th century, has lost none of its ...
Investigation and characterization of operations in context of data-intensive projects (BA, MA, WIP, WTP)
Since the beginning of this decade, big data has evolved as a promising term to realize data intensive projects and applications, which seemed impossible years ago. Using new technologies and techniques massive amounts of differently structured ...
[Long-term] Thesis during internship (Data Science, Machine Learning, AI, Big Data) (BA,MA)
If you are a student who is currently doing an internship in a company or who is planning to do so in the near future, and are planning a thesis to accompany your internship, you can contact us. We take over the supervision from a university ...
Entwicklung von Kriterien zur Gestaltung von Planungssystemen
Entwicklung von Modellen zur Antwortzeitvorhersage von Transaktionen betrieblicher Standardsoftware am Beispiel von SAP ERP
Representation of pricing master data entity types for products and services of IT service providers in SAP ERP
Motivated by the recent scientific discourse around the industrialization of IT, this project attempts to support the production of IT services with standard business applications such as ERP systems. It focuses on Cloud Service Providers (CSP) ...
Management and controlling of data science projects
Data science aims to extract knowledge from data using structured analysis, which promises, among other things, improved performance for businesses and other organizations (Martinez 2017). For example, e-commerce companies such as Amazon are ...
Developing an integration process for monitoring tools at incident management level
Nowadays, one of the problems that companies must face is to have multiple monitoring tools which depend on IT Service Management (ITSM) frameworks like IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL). This leads in turn to different reports of the same issues. ...
Erstellen eines Testszenarios zum Vergleich der Performance von Open SQL und NAtive SQL am Beispiel von SAP
Identification and investigation of data characteristics (BA, MA, WIP)
Since the beginning of this decade, big data has evolved as a promising term to realize data intensive projects and applications, which seemed impossible years ago. Using new technologies and techniques massive amounts of differently structured ...
Designing a Monitoring System for the Business Intelligence-System Landscape of a BPO Service Provider
While the server-based Business Intelligence (BI) has been in service for a long time, the question emerged whether the existing Computing Resources are available in an appropriate capacity with respect to RAM, CPU, memory, for ...
The quest for Open Source knowledge (MA)
After more than a decade Microsoft has transformed from the famous claim of Steve Ballmer: "Linux is a cancer" [2] to Satya Nadellas "Microsoft loves Linux" [3]. Nowadays “Open Source is fueling the digital transformation” ...
Archiving of document data from mass data processing at a service provider for energy suppliers
regiocom is one of the leading service- and business process providers for energy supply companies in Europe. The company is a certified BPO partner for utilities of the SAP AG. Among other things, the field of BPO takes on the whole customer ...
Definition and Prototype Design of a Certification Audit Tool Framework using the Example of SAP AG
The local markets are extremely competitive and focus on quality, information security and corporate continuity as key success factors. In order to guarantee these, many enterprises apply management systems. This general term refers to ...
Framework for Automated Code Smell Correction in a Brownfield Context
In the range of software development and –service gradually emerges the problem of the “fluxing” of source codes . For several reasons such as copy/paste programming, different levels of expertise among the developers, or deadlines that have ...
Technology decisions based on the Anarchy Hierarchy Process – a case study
Since the distribution of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets constantly increases, many software developers find themselves confronted with the challenge to program applications that should be capable of running on a variety of ...
Blockchain Technology Framework (BA, MA)
Blockchain technology (BT) is, after well-known application scenarios as a crypto currency and smart contract, now also an interesting basis for distributed applications. Within the scope of previous investigations, known BT (such as ...
Möglichkeiten der Kontribution alternativer Trackingsysteme zur Fraud Prevention im Affiliate Marketing
Online-Marketing erfährt in Zeiten des E-Commerce eine zunehmende Relevanz als wichtiger Wirtschaftsfaktor. Dies gilt im Speziellen für Unternehmen, deren Geschäftstätigkeit sich zu einem Teil, wenn nicht gar vollständig, im Internet ...
A formalized and evaluated Datamodel through ITIL v3 and ISO/IEC20000
Characterizing the compatibility of Big Data Technologies and its manifestations (MA, WTP)
Since the beginning of this decade, big data has evolved as a promising term to realize data intensive projects and applications, which seemed impossible years ago. Using new technologies and techniques massive amounts of differently structured ...
Entwicklung eines Designs für eine n-schichtige, selbst-optimierende und dynamisch partitionierende Datenbank
Requirements Engineering for Data Science Projects
Data Science (DS) projects aim to methodologically extract knowledge and value from data, for example to help organizations to improve performance. Dedicated process models (e. g. CRISP-DM, Microsoft TDSP) are applied to ...
Outline and Development of a PHP SDK as a general communication interface with the Barzahlen API for the application in different shop systems
In the course of a survey among 21,000 prospective clients who consciously do not engage in online shopping, 62% referred to insufficient security in payment transactions and almost half of the respondents stated that their ...
Controlling of IT-service-provider based on Service Level Agreements
Data warehouse based concept for an efficient preparation and analysis of outstanding items
regiocom GmbH is one of the market-leading service companies in the energy sector in Europe. Its main focus is on the branches of customer service, complaint management, and data processing. As a Business Process Outsourcing partner of the SAP ...
Konzeptionierung und Entwicklung eines Modells zur Bewertung von Projekten auf deren Einsatzfähigkeit von Big-Data
Process-oriented information security management for federated business process landscapes
For some time, organizations have been dependent on IT systems since they support business processes in several ways. The goals of these processes are the direct or indirect increase in value as well as value creation. The overall model resulting ...
Cloud Consulting - Crowdsourcing-Based Framework for ERP Consulting
Die Informationstechnologie (IT) wandelte viele Geschäfte um, schaffte viele neue und auch welche ab. Noch mehr Geschäftsänderung gab es mit der Entstehung der sozialen Netzwerke ab dem Web 2.0. Einer der unabdingbaren IT-Infrastrukturen ...
Konzept für die Implementierung einer Shopware-Ideen-Konnektor
Change-Management mit dem Fokus auf Upgrade-Projekte
Dieses Projekt beschäftigt sich im Bereich Change Management mit Upgrade-Projekten. Das Augenmerk liegt hier speziell auf dem Prozess von Versions-Upgrades von Standardsoftware, welche mittels Customzing-Maßnahmen an die Anforderungen des ...
Entwicklung eines BPMN-Prozessmodells und Evaluierung dessen Wirkung nach Integration in die ERP-Lehre
Occupancy Forecasting for Hotels with Machine Learning
Forecasting daily occupancy is very important for revenue management in a hotel. This can be challenging as occupancy values can fluctuate greatly. A study was conducted to try to make forecasts for sixteen hotels in Berlin using traditional ...
SAP Solution Manager
The SAP Solution Manager is a complex software solution offered by the SAP AG for the maintainance, administration and surveillance of SAP system landscapes. With the help of the Solution Manager it is possible to depict processes in an ...
SAP UCC Magdeburg has been announced the first SAP Big Data Innovation Center
On 30.04.2014 the SAP UCC Magdeburg has been announced the first SAP Big Data Innovation Center. The UCC in Magdeburg is thus enhanced to an interdisciplinary research center. It will enable academics worldwide to leverage SAP HANA to ...
SAP Customer Relationship Management 7.0
The Customer Relationsship Management allows companies to integrate customer issues directly into their business processes. This strategy supports a close interaction with the clients, which leads to improved customer relationships and thus to ...
Successful Big Data Innovation student project at the University of Mannheim
Successful Big Data Innovation student project at the University of MannheimBy Martin Kretzer (University Mannheim) As part of a case study of the course „Business Intelligence and Management Support Systems“ at the University of ...
SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse
SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse (SAP BW) is a SAP software solution that allows the evaluation of data from operative SAP-applications and from random business management applications and external data sources. In the year 2002, the SAP BW ...
Cooperation of OvGU and Harz University of Applied Studies and Research celebrates 15th anniversary
The long-term scientific cooperation of the Harz University of Applied Studies and Research and the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg in the field of Business Informatics, especially on the issue SAP, celebrates its 15th anniversary. ...
Adaptive Computing
Due to the increasing number of cooperation partners of the UCC and the conjunct enlargement of the SAP system landscape, it became necessary to simplify the administration and to improve the resource utilization. For this reason, at the beginning ...
Predicting Availability of an In-Memory Computing Cluster
Together with the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam as well as with industry partners such as SAP, HP and Fujitsu, in 2014 a project was conducted by the VLBA Lab in Magdeburg in which the availability of an in-memory computing cluster was ...
Strategic System Landscape Engineering for SME and OSS
Currently, efficient, flexible and cheap information systems are an economic necessity. This fact not only applies to information systems of large enterprises, but to an increasing degree also to those of small and medium-sized enterprises.Small ...
Adaptive Computing Infrastructure
In cooperation with the Hewlett Packard GmbH, the world's first Adaptive Computing Infrastructure for SAP-applications was installed in the computing center of the SAP UCC. The first executable system configuration could be developed and ...
DEEBIS-Net (Doctoral Studies in Environmental and Business Information Systems)
The DAAD funds from the Federal Ministry for education and research cooperation between German and foreign universities in the field of doctoral training. DEEBIS-Net (Doctoral Studies in Environmental and Business Information Systems) is ...
Application Usage Mining
Activities in terms of the application of a modern ERP-system such as ECC are diverse and complicated. Users leave behind traces which reflect their interactions or their activities.The depiction of actually executed business processes or workflows ...
Assessing the Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing based on Complex Network Analysis
In recent years the online business environment is viewed by customers from a new perspective. Social media to a great extent affects the customer’s awareness, preference and even decision process. Dramatic developments in interactive social ...
Light-Weight Composite Environmental Performance Indicators (LWC-EPI)
Preserving the ecosystem is a global responsibility. Rapid environmental changes have caused a widely changing attitude on the part of individuals, corporations, and governments. Individual actions have repercussion at a global level, which is ...
Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Magdeburg „vernetzt wachsen“
Das Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Magdeburg „vernetzt wachsen“ unterstützt mittelständische Unternehmen sowohl in Sachsen-Anhalt als auch bundesweit beim Einsatz innovativer digitaler Lösungen zur Optimierung ...
Cloud Very Large Business Applications Operation
Currently, cloud computing is a topic that is widely discussed in literature and in practice. The establishment of cloud computing brings along several chances, but at the same time confronts the operators of computing centers with ...
Virtual Reality and Human Factors methods to improve safety in production plants and storage sites
VIRTHUALIS is the largest European Research Project on Industrial Safety.Promoted by the European Commission within the 6th Framework Programme, and coordinated by Polytechnic of Milan. VIRTHUALIS joins 42 partners among universities, ...
IT Infrastructure Management
Currently, in many corporate environments and scientific institutions, a number of different IT-applications runs on a number of different computer systems. Computer systems on client-/server-architecture, which meanwhile have ...
Modernising Human Resources Management in South Mediterranean Higher Education (RISE)
The importance of quality human resource management (HRM) for the development and optimisation of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is undeniable today. There are increasingly complex academic scenarios which demand HRM models able to ...
SAP Business ByDesign Introductory Course
SAP Business ByDesign is a fully integrated Software-as-a-Service-ERP-solution that especially addresses small and medium-sized enterprises. As one of the first institutions in the world, the UCC Magdeburg has been involved in the pilot project ...
SAP ERP Human Capital Management
The SAP Human Capital Management component (HCM) is an integrated management solution for all personnel-relevant processes within a company. It allows the efficient representation of personnel-related data and is a part of SAP ERP ...
Current status of the application of virtualization processes in medium-sized companies
If carried out correctly, the virtualization of a company's IT landscape will provide a number of benefits such as reduced power and cooling costs and easier administration. After major corporations have already gained experience in the field ...
Summa cum laude for the student administration
The SAP UCC is also concerned with the development of innovative hosting solutions for administrative processes. In this context, the UCC Magdeburg and the working group Campus Management developed a solution for the student administration ...
IT Infrastructure Modeling Language
Introduction For software development, there are different graphical modelling languages for different fields of application. As an example, processes can be displayed through event-driven process chains or an object-oriented software can be ...
Expansion of IT service management during upgrade on Solution Manager 7.1
Even in the past, the SAP UCC Magdeburg was anxious to arrange its processes according to the ITIL Best Practices. Due to the newly designed Solution Manager 7.1, it is now possible to represent even more ITIL-V3-conform processes in a ...
Four Solutions for SAP Engagement Intelligence
Students of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg had the chance to gain practical experience in dealing with SAP big data corporate solutions and the implementation on a HP-system SAP Engagement Intelligence powered by HANA at the SAP ...
OEPI - Exploring and Monitoring Any Organisations Environmental Performance Indicators
The project "Solution and Services Engineering for Measuring, Monitoring, and Management of Organizations Environmental Performance Indicators (OEPI)" is an international research project that is sponsored by the European Commission. ...
Prediction of non-functional properties of IT-services
The service-orientation of the IT-branch is of increasing importance, not least because of the concept of cloud computing. It supports the commoditization of IT and increases the transparency for the clients. For the providers of such services, ...
SAP UA announces Industry 4.0 curriculum project hosted at SAP UCC Magdeburg
Today, Bernd Welz and Ann Rosenberg signed pilot project agreements with three universities evaluating the new Industry 4.0 curriculum which is being hosted and supported by SAP UCC Magdeburg during the project. Main components of the ...
Case study: simplified backup at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
HP StoreOnce 6200 Backup saves the data of the SAP University Competence Center at a record timeIn order to save the SAP solutions and data of the more than 400 universities that are connected to the SAP University Competence Center in Magdeburg, ...
INternationaliSation of master Programs In Russia and China in Electrical engineering
Nowadays Russian and Chinese universities have to offer programs which facilitate graduates’ adaptation to the real manufacturing and business environment and raise their competitiveness at the labor market. In order to develop a ...
Reduce topics
Staegemann, D. G.; Degenkolbe, René; Weidner, S.; Häusler, Robert; Turowski, K.
Possible Application Scenarios for a German National Education Platform
Prof. Dr. Klaus Turowski
Ronny Zimmermann
Leitung Infrastruktur
André Siegling
Leitung Support
André Faustmann
Technical head
Stefan Weidner
Commercial head
Anja Herbst
Sabrina Hoppe-Wagner
Kerstin Lange
Christian Knopke
Organisation, Sekretariat
Janina Grzelka
Abdulrahman Nahhas
Researcher, Coordination
Daniel Gunnar Staegemann
Researcher, Coordination
Dirk Dreschel
Researcher, Teaching coordination
Chris Bernhardt
Michael Boldau
Tim Böttcher
Dirk Deiter
Jens Dieskau
Karthik Gali
Anna Geringer
Michael Greulich
Christian Günther
Marcel Himburg
Robert Häusler
Torsten König
Ksenia Neumann
Babett Ruß
Benjamin Wegener
Erik Werner
Thomas Amme
Technical employee
Bert Braasch
Technical employee
Florian Harkenthal
Technical employee
Tobias Lütge
Technical employee
Maria Chernigovskaya
André Hardt
Christian Daase
Christian Haertel
Dr.-Ing. Sascha Bosse
Associated researcher
Dr.-Ing. Johannes Hintsch
Associated researcher
Dr.-Ing. Frederik Kramer
Associated researcher
Dr. Jörg Ackermann
Associated researcher
Matthias Allgaier
Associated researcher
Manuel Arens
Associated researcher
Volker Derballa
Associated researcher
Patrick Gugel
Associated researcher
Dr. Robert Neumann
Associated researcher
Jan Oetjen
Associated researcher
Andreas Witt
Associated researcher
Dr.-Ing. Naoum Jamous
Associated researcher
Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Müller
Associated researcher
Dr.-Eng. Matthias Volk
Associated researcher
Maarten Hendrik Bremer
Technical employee
Lena Bednarz
Christian Bekel
Tobias Bellger
Anja Braumann
Mario Alberto Camara Frias
Felix Geringer
Max Golz
Boris Gulyak
Tina Hovhannisyan
Erik Koltermann
Doreen Körte
Subhashree Mangaraj
Guzel Mussilova
Pascal Müller
Fabian Rajewski
Valentin Riess
Benja Wiencke
Alexander Wilke
Denise Rocio Windheuser
Pham Xuan Dai
Malte Rathjens
Project employee
Visman Jeet Singh Walia
Project employee
Robert Franz
Associated researcher
Damanpreet Singh Walia