

Neues Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Magdeburg unterstützt den Mittelstand bei der digitalen Transformation mit kostenfreien Formaten

Neues Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Magdeburg unterstützt den Mittelstand bei der digitalen Transformation mit kostenfreien Formaten

Am 01. August 2022 eröffnet das neue Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Magdeburg in der Experimentellen Fabrik. Die Förderung in Höhe von 5,5 Millionen Euro erfolgt über das Bundeministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz. Das neue Zentrum ...
An adaptive scheduling framework for the dynamic virtual machines placement to reduce energy consumption in cloud data centers

An adaptive scheduling framework for the dynamic virtual machines placement to reduce energy consumption in cloud data centers

Optimized (multi-) Cloud Scenarios and Operations – Preliminary Results. The future vision of IT-industry is shifting toward a utility-based offering of on-demand computational power. However, the massive expansions of IT-system landscapes ...
Trading Off IT Service Availability and Costs

Trading Off IT Service Availability and Costs

In order to control an internally or externally provided IT service, service level agreements (SLA) are formulated between service provider and consumer. Besides other information, SLA include guarantees for quality metrics to ensure a fast, safe, ...

15. Internationaler Kongress für Wirtschaftsinformatik – Potsdam

Following the motto "Changing Landscapes - Shaping Digital Transformation and its Impact" the international congress for business informatics will take place for the 15th time from 09.03-11.03.2020 in Potsdam. This year the MRCC ...

Konzeption, Evaluierung und Implementierung einer Videoportallösung für Schulung und Präsentation im Intranet der IDT Biologika GmbH

Occupancy Forecasting for Hotels with Machine Learning

Occupancy Forecasting for Hotels with Machine Learning

Forecasting daily occupancy is very important for revenue management in a hotel. This can be challenging as occupancy values can fluctuate greatly. A study was conducted to try to make forecasts for sixteen hotels in Berlin using traditional ...
Conception of a reference model for integrated campus management systems

Conception of a reference model for integrated campus management systems

The effects of the Bologna process and increasing numbers of students due to the suspension of compulsory military service and dual Abitur cohorts require a particularly economic and effective use of public funding for a high-quality range of ...
Predicting Availability of an In-Memory Computing Cluster

Predicting Availability of an In-Memory Computing Cluster

Together with the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam as well as with industry partners such as SAP, HP and Fujitsu, in 2014 a project was conducted by the VLBA Lab in Magdeburg in which the availability of an in-memory computing cluster was ...
Prediction of non-functional properties of IT-services

Prediction of non-functional properties of IT-services

The service-orientation of the IT-branch is of increasing importance, not least because of the concept of cloud computing. It supports the commoditization of IT and increases the transparency for the clients. For the providers of such services, ...
IT Infrastructure Modeling Language

IT Infrastructure Modeling Language

Introduction For software development, there are different graphical modelling languages for different fields of application. As an example, processes can be displayed through event-driven process chains or an object-oriented software can be ...


Khan, A.; Pohl, M.; Köppen, V.; Saake, G.; Turowski, K.
An Evaluation of Variability Mechanisms to Manage Cloud Services
Khan, A.; Pohl, M.; Bosse, S.; Hart, S. W.; Turowski, K.
A Holistic View of the IoTProcess from Sensors to the Business Value
Khan, A.; Pohl, M.; Saake, G.; Turowski, K.
An Evaluation of Variability Mechanisms to Manage Cloud Services
Hintsch, Johannes; Khan, A.; Siegling, André; Turowski, K.
Application Software in Cloud-Ready Data Centers: A Survey
Khan, A.; Hintsch, Johannes; Turowski, K.; Saake, G.
Variability Management in Infrastructure as a Service: Scenarios in Cloud Deployment Models