

VLBA Lab at BIS 2014

VLBA Lab at BIS 2014

The VLBA Lab was represented at this year's 17th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS) in Lanarca, Cyprus, from May 22nd to 23rd, by the researcher Bastian Kurbjuhn. He presented the contribution by Christian Schulz and ...

15. Internationaler Kongress für Wirtschaftsinformatik – Potsdam

Following the motto "Changing Landscapes - Shaping Digital Transformation and its Impact" the international congress for business informatics will take place for the 15th time from 09.03-11.03.2020 in Potsdam. This year the MRCC ...
Neues Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Magdeburg unterstützt den Mittelstand bei der digitalen Transformation mit kostenfreien Formaten

Neues Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Magdeburg unterstützt den Mittelstand bei der digitalen Transformation mit kostenfreien Formaten

Am 01. August 2022 eröffnet das neue Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Magdeburg in der Experimentellen Fabrik. Die Förderung in Höhe von 5,5 Millionen Euro erfolgt über das Bundeministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz. Das neue Zentrum ...
CVLBA Annual Meeting 2014

CVLBA Annual Meeting 2014

In the context of the long-term partnership between the MRCC and the SAP AG, the Centers for Very Large Business Applications in Magdeburg and Munich presented their current research results in Walldorf on  January 29th, 2014. On ...

Change-Management mit dem Fokus auf Upgrade-Projekte

Dieses Projekt beschäftigt sich im Bereich Change Management mit Upgrade-Projekten. Das Augenmerk liegt hier speziell auf dem Prozess von Versions-Upgrades von Standardsoftware, welche mittels Customzing-Maßnahmen an die Anforderungen des ...

Entwicklung von Modellen zur Antwortzeitvorhersage von Transaktionen betrieblicher Standardsoftware am Beispiel von SAP ERP

A software concept for robot manufacturing sites in car body construction

A software concept for robot manufacturing sites in car body construction

In the course of the develppment, scheduling and realization of robot manufacturing sites for car body construction, steadily rising demands for technologies and application become apparent. As a result, due to the divergence in the ...
Very Large Business Applications Serious Games

Very Large Business Applications Serious Games

In many companies, Enterprise-Resource-Planning-Systems (ERP-Systeme) are the basis for information processing and thus contribute to the corporate success. It has to be assured, however, that qualified employees that are able to permeate ...
IT Infrastructure Management

IT Infrastructure Management

Currently, in many corporate environments and scientific institutions, a number of different IT-applications runs on a number of different computer systems. Computer systems on client-/server-architecture, which meanwhile have ...
Predicting Availability of an In-Memory Computing Cluster

Predicting Availability of an In-Memory Computing Cluster

Together with the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam as well as with industry partners such as SAP, HP and Fujitsu, in 2014 a project was conducted by the VLBA Lab in Magdeburg in which the availability of an in-memory computing cluster was ...


Khan, A.; Pohl, M.; Bosse, S.; Hart, S. W.; Turowski, K.
A Holistic View of the IoTProcess from Sensors to the Business Value
Khan, A.; Hintsch, Johannes; Turowski, K.; Saake, G.
Variability Management in Infrastructure as a Service: Scenarios in Cloud Deployment Models
Khan, A.; Pohl, M.; Saake, G.; Turowski, K.
An Evaluation of Variability Mechanisms to Manage Cloud Services
Khan, A.; Pohl, M.; Köppen, V.; Saake, G.; Turowski, K.
An Evaluation of Variability Mechanisms to Manage Cloud Services
Hintsch, Johannes; Khan, A.; Siegling, André; Turowski, K.
Application Software in Cloud-Ready Data Centers: A Survey