
Alignment of Big Data Tools

Internal advisor: Dr.-Eng. Matthias Volk, Ruksar Shaikh, Manali Thakur, Ayush Gupta, Ajay Chadayan, Abhijith Remesh

At current times, data-intensive systems are getting more and more complex. Consequently, a thorough understanding of related domains is required; this includes knowledge and experience in terms of not only the general planning but also the technical implementation. Potential decision makers should have a broad understanding about relevant tools as well as related architectural concepts, which can be used as a baseline for the individual project (reference architectures). The main goal of this project is to identify and structure basic functionalities as well as compatibilities of existing big data tools. Initial material will be given.


-        Conduct a literature review/Use Case Analysis

-        Identify prominent tools and technologies

-        Investigate general functionalities and compatibilities of them

-        Structure and align all of the found out results under the additional consideration of reference architectures.

-        Finalize everything within a project paper.